Share The Care Referral Program

Chinese Celebration

Share The Care

To those of you who have taken the chance with us and utilized our services and products we greatly appreciate the opportunity you have given us to become a part of your community. We also appreciate those of you even more who not only used our services but have taken the time to refer a friend or family member to us giving us the chance to help them as well.

Since we are unable to provide you any direct savings. We have thought up another way to show you our appreciation for what you do for us, through our brand new......

Share The Care Referal Program

There is nothing new you need to do. Just whenever you do refer someone please tell them to give your name. Each quarter we will have a raffle with all the referees names in the pot and you get one entree for each referal.
End of Raffle Period

The Winners will be contacted regarding who they are and if they are ok with it we will post a picture of them with their prize on our website and Facebook!

Good Luck and to the winners goes the spoils!!

Oh and also for Our First Raffle all previous referals that we can document will be counted and included!!
